
dreamcoat is from Netherlands, has been a member for 11 years and last logged in 9 years ago.

Trade Policy:

I'm glad to share my sheets with anyone who has also listed some sheets and who is willing to trade. If I'm not interested in the sheets you have to offer, I will sent you your request anyway, but please don't ask something without offering something in return.
Please give the title of the sheet you are asking for.
Sent requests to my Hotmail adres, because I check that almost daily.

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Latest Sheets Of dreamcoat dreamcoat's Latest Sheets Feed
Latest Requests Of dreamcoat dreamcoat's Latest Requests Feed

Latest Sheets (138)

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added File
Fabulous feet The tap dance kid 6 Piano, Guitar, Vocal 3717d -
Dance if it makes you happy The tap dance kid 4 Piano, Guitar, Vocal 3717d -
How Could I Ever Know (easy piano) Bach 4 Piano, Vocal 3717d -
Come to my garden (easy piano) Bach 4 Piano, Vocal 3717d -
We Can Do It The Producers 10 Piano, Vocal 3717d -
Springtime for Hitler (easy piano) The Producers 2 Piano, Vocal 3717d -
Till There Was You (easy piano) Meredith Willson 2 Piano, Vocal 3717d -
Seventy six trombones (easy piano) Meredith Willson 6 Piano, Vocal 3717d -
Goodnight, My Someone Meredith Willson 4 Piano, Vocal 3717d -
part of your world The Little Mermaid 8 Piano, Guitar, Vocal 3717d -

Latest Requests (0)

Member has not requested any sheets yet.

Latest Friends (6)

Member Sheet Count Request Count Date added
hillemn2n 69 0 3777d
micaelacpineda 3 0 3786d
flixlr 8 0 3786d
pianoman79 50 0 3791d
wesing 5 0 3792d
stockhoven 14 0 3792d