Rodion Shchedrin

Rodion Shchedrin - Preludes Book 2 Music Sheet

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  Other / Pdf (79 pages)

Added by sonsufu 4149d ago
File Size: 6.96MB

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reports (1)
AudreyJ1963 (3954d) - United States

Three credits to download this?? Why?? And why do I have to pay foreign surcharges to purchase additional download credits? Why can you accept PalPal, or why can ree be free. Complete BS
comments (1)
AudreyJ1963 (3954d) - United States
As much as I would really like to download this music, and the service says that it is free, and I do have credits, it's telling me that I have to pay for more creidts. I live in the US, and I don't want to have to pay Skrill foreign banking charges in addition to whatever other charges are involved to purchase credits. This is not right. Maybe you should think about taking PalPal or some other form of payment that does not discriminate against non-UK citizens.
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