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10Tec iGrid.NET, the easiest unbound grid replacement for .NET DataGrid/DataGridView

10Tec iGrid.NET, the simplest unbound grid replacement for .NET DataGrid/DataGridView
In this report we want to let you know about a beautiful grid management for the .NET Framework, iGrid.NET (). It appears, it is the easiest and versatile unbound grid you will discover out there. It is also possible to utilize this component as a powerful adjustable replacement for the standard .NET affilorama DataGridView controls in the Windows Forms using any .NET language (C#, VB.NET, MS VC .NET, etc).

Populating the grid

Well, let's start to use it. iGrid.NET is a cell matrix, also to get it functioning, you merely create the required amount of columns and rows and after that put values to iGrid.NET's cells:

iGrid1.Rows.Count = 5;
iGrid1.Cells[2, 0].Value = "Test value";
iGrid1.Cells[3, 0].Value = 12345;

The code above creates a grid with 3 seopressor 5 rows and changes the values in its two cells.

Notice how easily you are able to access each cell through the Cells collection. The Cols and Rows collections are used the exact same fashion to access iGrid's columns and rows. Additionally notice that we save values of different data types in cells of the exact same column without the additional work.

Now let us create a more intricate grid:

for(int i=0;

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