
fabsipup is from Belarus, has been a member for 9 years and last logged in 9 years ago.

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Thirty Questions and Answers to PVP

Sword Units
*Can be hired at degree 1*
Str: 340
Dex: 240
Def: 400
Int: 130
Vit: 250
Damages 1 target to get a good amount.
Dark Seed:
The Swordsman is a fantastic font line unit. They were created to prevent a hole in your configuration as long as possible, & deal lasting ruin to just one unit.
Lethal Strike : Produces heavy destroy to a single component, however it requires alot of AP.
Mana Seal Prevents all oponent's staff components from using skills for one turn, employs small d.o.t.
*Can be hired at degree 57*
Str: 290
Dex: 170
Def: 260
Int: 240
Vit: 240
Seal Staff Debuff's all oponent staff units, reducing their 'Regular Strike' damage; slight d.o.t.
The Exorcist is a precious gizmo for PvP, though much less effective in PvE ldkdie the fact they miss alot. They'll allow your monk to take advantage of Awakening two times in one turn much easier; let you fix more generally; Offer a great long-term stun if used having an Archer's Silence skill properly (Given you've made a hole in your oponen't front line).
Speed Cast Gives added AP, & cures, your staff units each turn.
Lady Knight
*Can be hired at degree 95*
Str: 370
Dex: 260
Def: 750
Int: 160
Vit: 280
Light Slash Strong magic destroy to an individual unit. ***
He is astonishing shield & ought to manage to take a couple of blows.
Staff Units
*Can be hired at level 18*
Str: 190
Dex: 140
Def: 150
Int: 260
Vit: 160
Protect gives your primary unit a defensive boost, & cures them, at the start of lskdowp of Protection cures your primary unit every time it is hit (though if hit with a combo, only healed on first assault)
Holy Guard Casts on a whole row, negates all status effects currently on chosen units, & prevents all skills from being cast on them (With the exclusion of Guard Dispell). *** Units under Holy Guard can be stunned, & cannot be cured***
***They are both passive skills, so one ability could be learned. To get Shield of Protection you must utilize a skill reset book to dispose of Protect***
Absolutely essential for PvP, & lots of will say for PvE. The ability to remove any negative influence on your units is a necessity, stun. They're & a key to maintaining ldfoiefj unit alive. Ought to not have a foundation without one ^^.

*Can be hired at degree 10*
Str: 150
Dex: 130
Def: 180
Int: 230
Vit: 150
M.Def: 450
Blessing of Life A healing skill, changes one unit until the shaman is updated, than changes an entire row.

Savage Will Makes a whole row uncontrollable, & deals small d.o.t. to mdef every turn (Own units).
Their assault's safe to say every formation requires a healer. Whether you have two (1 for healing, 1 for d.o.t./Noble Sac) or a medic for awful times. Get one at level 10, commend her until you are able to get an Oracle.
Noble Sacrifice The Shaman Forfeits their life to cure the rest of your units, the healing effect continues one more turn following the ldfoiefj fainted.
*Can be hired at level 51*
Str: 120
Dex: 250
Def: 150
Int: 280
Vit: 180
Meteor Hit A devistative AoE skill. This high detrimental ability can take out an entire unit essentially. Used only every 4 moves, it's over worth the wait.
Mana Recharge Restores up to 3 friendly unit's MP
A astonishing unit! Any PvE formation ought to have one. One can alter the tide in any battle.
Mana Snare Can change entire enemy configuration. Each turn, for 2 turns, it'll drain a small amount of MP. *** Combo's if enemy casts Savage will/Seth's will, they're going to get 200 ruin instead*** ( worthless ability, dont get it)
Princess' Order Increases your ranged unit's defense & treats them a small amount each turn.
*Can be hired at degree lsmsdjwu 130
Def: 180
Int: 300
Vit: 180
Relatives Signet Debuff's all oponent Aarcher units, reducing their 'Regular Strike' damage; slight d.o.t.
Royal Signet Debuff's all oponent Firearm units, reducing their 'Normal Attack' damage; little d.o.t.
Healing Blessing of Life on steroids.
A first rate unit. Ranged units are the powerhouse of destroy in Atlantica, so keeping them alive is important.

Vortex An A.o.E Assault, can cope first rate destroy at high levels ***Combo's with Lady Knight's Light Slash***
Seth's Will Savage will on steroids.
*Can be hired at degree 76*
Str: 170
Dex: 150
Def: 250
Int: 250
Vit: 170
Oracle's are amazing support components, positively not a reason to not change your shaman for just one.
*Can be hired at amount 20*
Str: 330
Dex: 110
Def: 280
Int: 140
Vit: 310
Axe Units
Unlike Stun, the frozen components still pslsowek each
turn. Exceptionally successful for disabling an oponent.
Lethal Strike Delivers heavy ruin to an individual component, yet it demands alot of AP.
Beast Trainer
*Can be hired at level 44*
Str: 280
Dex: 170
Def: 800
Int: 160
Vit: 290
M.Def: 175
Vikings are now mid line units. Though they have amazing health, their Def/mDef makes them run when a mouse passes by. useful at lower amounts, but ought to get replaced after 50/60.
Animal Summon Summons creatures (Foxes default, Various others obtainable through mob drops & marketplace; which may be used at distinct
Amounts) that hit every enemy unit.
Amazing, amazing, great unit. He's great shield, & assault to boot; & he combos frequently. Though her skill is useful, it is obviously better to essentially use her ordinary attack; unless tons lsdkdjwu are just hanging on with their life.
Spear Units
Lightning Spear Reduces up to 2 units (in a column) AP.
*Can be hired at amount 1*
Str: 310
Dex: 210
Def: 330
Int: 120
Vit: 240
Fatal Strike Provides heavy ruin to an individual component, however it requires alot of AP.
Spearman are excellent units, & it might be suprising, but they're also made to be mid line units. Their Lightning Spear (some say it was teased in the coursework of cbt) isn't effective in stopping a unit's turn if that unit has a first rate AP regen. The only real way to absolutely discontinue that turn from coming is using 2 Lightning spears around the same unit in a single turn.
War Cry Debuffs whole enemy configuration (Small lsmsdjwu obt)
Spartan (NOTICE: Use Shield Spear)
*Can be hired at level 100*
Str: 341
Dex: 220
Def: 363
Int: 122
Vit: 244
M.Def: 100
Said to be the complete finest deffensive unit in the game two times upgraded.
*Can be hired at level 1*
Str: 150
Dex: 220
Def: 180
Int: 220
Vit: 170
Gun Units
[Fatal Shot Delivers heavy destroy to one component, however it needs alot of AP.
Wild Shot Prices excellent destroy to some complete column
Certainly excellent component for PvP. The capacity to greatly destroy a column in lieu of a row causes it to be almost impossible for the oponent to recuperate from.
Inventor (NOTICE: Can utilize To Search Bots)
*Can be hired at level 84*
Str: 160
Dex: 240
Def: 200
Int: 275
Vit: 190
M.Def: 400
Summon Machine much like a Animal Trainer's Beast Summon, they can summon wtkos of machines to ruin your oponent. Unlike the
creatures a BT summons, the machines might be produced by crafting; they may even be bought on the market.
Great Firearm Unit. Fine Defense/mDef & useful. (Little advice until obt)
Shooting Position Damages a single component heavily.
*Can be hired at degree 96*
Str: 157
Dex: 247
Def: 198
Int: 225
Vit: 173
M.Def: 225
Deals more ruin than an Inventor. (Small advice until obt)
Bow Components
*Can be hired at level 1*
Str: 160
Dex: 220
Def: 180
Int: 230
Vit: 140
Silence Prevents an entire row from using abilities for 2 turns; slight d.o.t.
Deadly Shot Provides heavy destroy to an individual component, nevertheless it needs alot of AP.
The most useful component for stopping a fight fast. They require the astonishing destroy of a swordsman & can strike any ldkfiw the formation. Several Archers can down a boss or oponent's major unit immediately. Their silence ability is also among the most useful skills in the game.
*Can be hired at degree 70*
Str: 170
Dex: 210
Def: 200
Int: 240
Vit: 190
M.Def: 450
He is a useful unit which can help your frontline make an enduring impression before they bite the dust. He could be also useful in PvE, since most units fall underneath the segment 'Sword/Spear/Axe', even in case that they dont use weapons. Not only that, but she is an archer XD, which means being able to hit your oponent's main unit every turn; a key to winning any battle.
Concentrate Increases physical ruin, truth, & marginally heals, your melee units every turn.
Broken Spear Debuff's sldmw Spear units, reducing their 'Standard Attack' damage; slight d.o.t.
Rusty Axe Debuff's all oponent Axe units, reducing their 'Regular Attack' damage; slight d.o.t.
Cannon Units
*Can be hired at level 30*
Str: 200
Dex: 160
Def: 200
Int: 220
Vit: 210
Profound Penetration Reveals the HP of your oponents formation (First works as cross, than entire formation); slight d.o.t.
Deadly Shot Produces heavy destroy to an individual unit, nevertheless it demands alot of AP.
Though their ruin is small, they can reach up to 5 units, & d.o.t. a complete formation.
*Can be hired at level 87*
Str: 230
Dex: 190
Def: 220
Int: 240
Vit: 225
M.Def: 280
Smoke Bomb (Unclear how tons of units this ability effects, assuming it operates like Deep Insight) Lowers target's assault power & accuracy.
A lot more strong than an Artilleryman
Credits: Pantho from Atlantica Online

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