
Birty is from Hungary, has been a member for 13 years and last logged in 11 years ago.

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Latest Sheets Of Birty Birty's Latest Sheets Feed
Latest Requests Of Birty Birty's Latest Requests Feed

Total 46 result(s), listing between 20 - 40.

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added Sheet
Suite for Harpsichord No.2 Johann Mattheson 8 Piano 4879d
Suite for Harpsicord No.1 Johann Mattheson 8 Piano 4879d
Ad cantus laetitiae Bach 2 Piano, Vocal 4879d
All through the night Bach 3 Piano, Vocal 4879d -
Alles schweige Bach 2 Piano, Vocal 4879d
Orilla de Fuente Clara Bach 2 Piano, Vocal 4879d -
L'aveu Bach 2 Piano, Vocal 4879d
Finlandia K. Newell Dayley 11 Piano 4894d -
36 Christmas Carols and Songs 36 Christmas Carols and Songs 44 Piano, Vocal 4894d -
Valse Grünfeld 12 Cello, Violin, Viola 4894d -
Son tutta duolo Giacomo Carissimi 4 Piano, Vocal 4894d -
Siciliano - organ solo Giacomo Carissimi 8 Organ 4894d
Se tu della mia morte Giacomo Carissimi 4 Piano, Vocal 4894d
Cara e dolce Giacomo Carissimi 3 Piano, Vocal 4894d
4 Inventionen Bach 18 Piano 4894d
Lieder und Arien Bach 21 Piano, Vocal 4894d
The Very Best of Vol. 1 Cole Porter 54 Piano, Vocal 4894d -
Dido & Aeneas full score Henry Purcell 143 Piano, Cello, Vocal, Viola, Bass 4894d
Chaconne from Fairy Queen Henry Purcell 7 Piano, Cello, Violin, Clarinet, Flute, Viola, Bass, Oboe 4894d
If love\'s a Sweet Passion from Fairy Queen Henry Purcell 5 Piano, Cello, Violin, Vocal, Viola 4894d