
Tauce67 is from Spain, has been a member for 14 years and last logged in 13 years ago.

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Total 40 result(s), listing between 0 - 20.

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added Sheet
Dancing on the Berlin Wall David Lanz 6 Piano 4657d -
Behind The Waterfall David Lanz 3 Piano 4657d
Wings to Altair David Lanz 3 Piano 4657d
Summer\'s Child David Lanz 3 Piano 4657d
Song For Monet David Lanz 3 Piano 4657d
return to the heart David Lanz 2 Piano 4657d
Spiral dance David Lanz 3 Piano 4657d
Dark Horse David Lanz 9 Piano 4657d -
The sound of wings David Lanz 5 Piano 4657d
Thanksgiving George Winston 5 Piano 4657d -
A new day Brian Crain 5 Piano 4657d -
Take our hands Joe Curry 3 Piano 4692d
Snowflake Joe Curry 4 Piano 4692d
Milestones Joe Curry 6 Piano 4692d
Harvest moon Joe Curry 6 Piano 4692d
We are the world Bach 4 Piano 4694d
Les reves du matin Bach 2 Piano 4694d
tears of love Raul Di Blasio 7 Piano 4809d
Rosalinda Raul Di Blasio 6 Piano 4809d -
Hasta que te conocĂ­ Raul Di Blasio 16 Piano 4809d